Search This Blog

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Google Trends USA - 30 Dec 09, Wednesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Wednesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

jimmy sullivan (Score: 2)
dave brubeck (Score: 2)
the rev (Score: 2)
the rev dead (Score: 2)
stores open on christmas day 2009 (Score: 2)
avenged sevenfold drummer dead (Score: 2)
george michael sportscaster (Score: 1)
charlie sheen arrested (Score: 1)
urban meyer (Score: 1)
von trapp family (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
jimmy sullivan (Score: 2)
dave brubeck (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
the rev (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Google Trends USA - 29 Dec 09, Tuesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Tuesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

infragard (Score: 2)
jimmy sullivan (Score: 2)
the rev (Score: 2)
the rev dead (Score: 2)
stores open on christmas day 2009 (Score: 2)
avenged sevenfold drummer dead (Score: 2)
george michael sportscaster (Score: 1)
charlie sheen arrested (Score: 1)
urban meyer (Score: 1)
von trapp family (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
jimmy sullivan (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
the rev (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Google Trends USA - 28 Dec 09, Monday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Mondays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

infragard (Score: 2)
stores open on christmas day 2009 (Score: 2)
parker griffith (Score: 1)
george michael sportscaster (Score: 1)
charlie sheen arrested (Score: 1)
urban meyer (Score: 1)
von trapp family (Score: 1)
jimmy sullivan (Score: 1)
arnold stang (Score: 1)
ultradns (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Google Trends USA - 27 Dec 09, Sunday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Sundays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
stores open on christmas day 2009 (Score: 2)
parker griffith (Score: 1)
george michael sportscaster (Score: 1)
charlie sheen arrested (Score: 1)
urban meyer (Score: 1)
von trapp family (Score: 1)
san diego earthquake (Score: 1)
arnold stang (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Google Trends USA - 26 Dec 09, Saturday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Saturdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
feckless definition (Score: 2)
stores open on christmas day 2009 (Score: 2)
brittany murphy dying (Score: 1)
parker griffith (Score: 1)
george michael sportscaster (Score: 1)
charlie sheen arrested (Score: 1)
urban meyer (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Google Trends USA - 25 Dec 09, Friday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Fridays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
feckless definition (Score: 2)
stores open on christmas day 2009 (Score: 2)
nick folk (Score: 1)
brittany murphy dying (Score: 1)
parker griffith (Score: 1)
george michael sportscaster (Score: 1)
charlie sheen arrested (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Google Trends USA - 24 Dec 09, Thursday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Thursdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
feckless definition (Score: 2)
shane sparks (Score: 1)
nick folk (Score: 1)
brittany murphy dying (Score: 1)
parker griffith (Score: 1)
george michael sportscaster (Score: 1)
rackspace twitter (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
infragard (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Google Trends USA - 23 Dec 09, Wednesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Wednesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
iranian cyber army (Score: 2)
twitter hacked (Score: 2)
feckless definition (Score: 2)
snookie punched (Score: 2)
bruce allen (Score: 1)
shane sparks (Score: 1)
nick folk (Score: 1)
brittany murphy dying (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Google Trends USA - 22 Dec 09, Tuesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Tuesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
iranian cyber army (Score: 2)
twitter hacked (Score: 2)
feckless definition (Score: 2)
snookie punched (Score: 2)
roy disney (Score: 1)
bruce allen (Score: 1)
shane sparks (Score: 1)
nick folk (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
bobby mcferrin (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Google Trends USA - 21 Dec 09, Monday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Mondays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
iranian cyber army (Score: 2)
twitter hacked (Score: 2)
feckless definition (Score: 2)
snookie punched (Score: 2)
oral roberts (Score: 1)
roy disney (Score: 1)
bruce allen (Score: 1)
shane sparks (Score: 1)
nick folk (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
brittany murphy death hoax (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Google Trends USA - 20 Dec 09, Sunday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Sundays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

iranian cyber army (Score: 2)
twitter hacked (Score: 2)
snookie punched (Score: 2)
ben folds (Score: 1)
oral roberts (Score: 1)
roy disney (Score: 1)
bruce allen (Score: 1)
shane sparks (Score: 1)
nick folk (Score: 1)
brittany murphy dying (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)
iranian cyber army (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Google Trends USA - 19 Dec 09, Saturday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Saturdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

iranian cyber army (Score: 2)
twitter hacked (Score: 2)
snookie punched (Score: 2)
dexter season 5 (Score: 1)
ben folds (Score: 1)
oral roberts (Score: 1)
roy disney (Score: 1)
bruce allen (Score: 1)
shane sparks (Score: 1)
nick folk (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)
iranian cyber army (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Google Trends USA - 18 Dec 09, Friday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Fridays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

arkham has moved (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)
iranian cyber army (Score: 2)
twitter hacked (Score: 2)
bernie kosar drunk (Score: 2)
snookie punched (Score: 2)
penn sanchez (Score: 2)
bj penn vs diego sanchez (Score: 2)
ufc 107 results (Score: 2)
alan belcher tattoo (Score: 2)

For the past 30 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)
iranian cyber army (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Google Trends USA - 17 Dec 09, Thursday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Thursdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

arkham has moved (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)
bernie kosar drunk (Score: 2)
penn sanchez (Score: 2)
bj penn vs diego sanchez (Score: 2)
ufc 107 results (Score: 2)
alan belcher tattoo (Score: 2)
taylor lautner snl (Score: 2)
brian kelly press conference (Score: 1)
dexter season 5 (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Google Trends USA - 16 Dec 09, Wednesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Wednesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

arkham has moved (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)
bernie kosar drunk (Score: 2)
penn sanchez (Score: 2)
bj penn vs diego sanchez (Score: 2)
ufc 107 results (Score: 2)
alan belcher tattoo (Score: 2)
taylor lautner snl (Score: 2)
volksfront (Score: 1)
brian kelly press conference (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Google Trends USA - 15 Dec 09, Tuesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Tuesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

arkham has moved (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)
bernie kosar drunk (Score: 2)
penn sanchez (Score: 2)
bj penn vs diego sanchez (Score: 2)
ufc 107 results (Score: 2)
alan belcher tattoo (Score: 2)
taylor lautner snl (Score: 2)
seabrook explosion (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Google Trends USA - 14 Dec 09, Monday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Mondays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

arkham has moved (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)
bernie kosar drunk (Score: 2)
penn sanchez (Score: 2)
bj penn vs diego sanchez (Score: 2)
ufc 107 results (Score: 2)
alan belcher tattoo (Score: 2)
taylor lautner snl (Score: 2)

For the past 30 days

lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Google Trends USA - 13 Dec 09, Sunday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Sundays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

arkham has moved (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
force unleashed 2 (Score: 2)
bernie kosar drunk (Score: 2)
penn sanchez (Score: 2)
bj penn vs diego sanchez (Score: 2)
ufc 107 results (Score: 2)
alan belcher tattoo (Score: 2)
taylor lautner snl (Score: 2)

For the past 30 days

lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
arkham has moved (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Google Trends USA - 12 Dec 09, Saturday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Saturdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

ej henderson (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
how old is dolly parton (Score: 1)
peter gammons (Score: 1)
seabrook explosion (Score: 1)
volksfront (Score: 1)
brian kelly press conference (Score: 1)
arkham has moved (Score: 1)
lil wayne murdered (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Google Trends USA - 11 Dec 09, Friday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Fridays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

ej henderson (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
john 16 33 (Score: 1)
how old is dolly parton (Score: 1)
peter gammons (Score: 1)
seabrook explosion (Score: 1)
volksfront (Score: 1)
brian kelly press conference (Score: 1)
tim tebow crying (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Google Trends USA - 10 Dec 09, Thursday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Thursdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

ej henderson (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
discount medspa (Score: 1)
john 16 33 (Score: 1)
how old is dolly parton (Score: 1)
peter gammons (Score: 1)
seabrook explosion (Score: 1)
volksfront (Score: 1)
april ryan (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
rain on my parade (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Google Trends USA - 9 Dec 09, Wednesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Wednesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

ej henderson (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)
pleasure p (Score: 1)
discount medspa (Score: 1)
john 16 33 (Score: 1)
how old is dolly parton (Score: 1)
peter gammons (Score: 1)
seabrook explosion (Score: 1)
hometown favorites (Score: 1)
april ryan (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
conservapedia (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Google Trends USA - 8 Dec 09, Tuesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Tuesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

ej henderson (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
maurice clemons dead photo (Score: 2)
haarp (Score: 2)
kevin grevioux (Score: 2)
haarp conspiracy (Score: 2)
grammy nominations 2010 (Score: 2)
rachel uchitel‎ pictures (Score: 2)
haarp project (Score: 2)

For the past 30 days

barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
adam lambert ama performance (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Google Trends USA - 7 Dec 09, Monday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Mondays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

ej henderson (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
sons of anarchy season 3 (Score: 2)
maurice clemons dead photo (Score: 2)
haarp (Score: 2)
kevin grevioux (Score: 2)
haarp conspiracy (Score: 2)
grammy nominations 2010 (Score: 2)
rachel uchitel‎ pictures (Score: 2)

For the past 30 days

barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
ej henderson (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
adam lambert ama performance (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Google Trends USA - 6 Dec 09, Sunday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Sundays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
sons of anarchy season 3 (Score: 2)
maurice clemons dead photo (Score: 2)
haarp (Score: 2)
groupon (Score: 2)
kevin grevioux (Score: 2)
haarp conspiracy (Score: 2)
grammy nominations 2010 (Score: 2)
rachel uchitel‎ pictures (Score: 2)

For the past 30 days

jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Google Trends USA - 5 Dec 09, Saturday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Saturdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
sons of anarchy season 3 (Score: 2)
maurice clemons dead photo (Score: 2)
haarp (Score: 2)
groupon (Score: 2)
kevin grevioux (Score: 2)
locator or locater (Score: 2)
haarp conspiracy (Score: 2)
grammy nominations 2010 (Score: 2)

For the past 30 days

jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Google Trends USA - 4 Dec 09, Friday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Fridays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
sons of anarchy season 3 (Score: 2)
maurice clemons dead photo (Score: 2)
haarp (Score: 2)
cyber monday 2009 deals (Score: 2)
groupon (Score: 2)
kevin grevioux (Score: 2)
locator or locater (Score: 2)

For the past 30 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Google Trends USA - 3 Dec 09, Thursday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Thursdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)
legion of extraordinary dancers (Score: 2)
sons of anarchy season 3 (Score: 2)
maurice clemons dead photo (Score: 2)
haarp (Score: 2)
cyber monday 2009 deals (Score: 2)
kevin grevioux (Score: 2)
locator or locater (Score: 2)
haarp conspiracy (Score: 2)

For the past 30 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
hometown favorites (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Google Trends USA - 2 Dec 09, Wednesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Wednesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
black friday internet sales (Score: 2)
sons of anarchy season 3 (Score: 2)
cyber monday 2009 deals (Score: 2)
locator or locater (Score: 2)
still waiting (Score: 2)
uc application (Score: 2)
kohls (Score: 2)
rachel uchitel pics (Score: 2)
vita chambers (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Google Trends USA - 1 Dec 09, Tuesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Tuesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
black friday internet sales (Score: 2)
cyber monday 2009 deals (Score: 2)
locator or locater (Score: 2)
still waiting (Score: 2)
uc application (Score: 2)
kohls (Score: 2)
rachel uchitel pics (Score: 2)
turkey cooking times (Score: 2)
adam lambert ama video youtube (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Google Trends USA - 30 Nov 09, Monday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Mondays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
black friday internet sales (Score: 2)
cyber monday 2009 deals (Score: 2)
locator or locater (Score: 2)
still waiting (Score: 2)
uc application (Score: 2)
kohls (Score: 2)
rachel uchitel pics (Score: 2)
turkey cooking times (Score: 2)

For the past 30 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Google Trends USA - 29 Nov 09, Sunday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Sundays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
black friday internet sales (Score: 2)
cyber monday 2009 deals (Score: 2)
still waiting (Score: 2)
kohls (Score: 2)
rachel uchitel pics (Score: 2)
turkey cooking times (Score: 2)
dj matthew roberts (Score: 1)
abe pollin (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tommy lynn sells (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Google Trends USA - 28 Nov 09, Saturday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Saturdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

skifree (Score: 2)
adam lambert ama performance (Score: 2)
black friday internet sales (Score: 2)
still waiting (Score: 2)
kohls (Score: 2)
rachel uchitel pics (Score: 2)
turkey cooking times (Score: 2)
kramer knives (Score: 1)
dj matthew roberts (Score: 1)
abe pollin (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Google Trends USA - 27 Nov 09, Friday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Fridays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

skifree (Score: 2)
adam lambert ama performance (Score: 2)
black friday internet sales (Score: 2)
black friday 2009 sales (Score: 2)
kohls (Score: 2)
turkey cooking times (Score: 2)
esther reed (Score: 1)
kramer knives (Score: 1)
dj matthew roberts (Score: 1)
abe pollin (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Google Trends USA - 26 Nov 09, Thursday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Thursdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

skifree (Score: 2)
adam lambert ama performance (Score: 2)
black friday 2009 sales (Score: 2)
turkey cooking times (Score: 2)
climate depot (Score: 1)
esther reed (Score: 1)
kramer knives (Score: 1)
dj matthew roberts (Score: 1)
abe pollin (Score: 1)
adam lambert ama video youtube (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
skifree (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Google Trends USA - 25 Nov 09, Wednesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Wednesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

skifree (Score: 2)
adam lambert ama performance (Score: 2)
black friday 2009 sales (Score: 2)
uga vii (Score: 1)
climate depot (Score: 1)
esther reed (Score: 1)
kramer knives (Score: 1)
dj matthew roberts (Score: 1)
abe pollin (Score: 1)
adam lambert ama video youtube (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Google Trends USA - 24 Nov 09, Tuesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Tuesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

bocuse d or (Score: 2)
adam lambert ama performance (Score: 2)
black friday 2009 sales (Score: 2)
uga vii (Score: 1)
climate depot (Score: 1)
esther reed (Score: 1)
kramer knives (Score: 1)
dj matthew roberts (Score: 1)
abe pollin (Score: 1)
nephelococcygia (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Google Trends USA - 23 Nov 09, Monday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Mondays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
adam lambert ama performance (Score: 2)
black friday 2009 sales (Score: 2)
uga vii (Score: 1)
climate depot (Score: 1)
esther reed (Score: 1)
kramer knives (Score: 1)
dj matthew roberts (Score: 1)
brady quinn cheap shot (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Google Trends USA - 22 Nov 09, Sunday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Sundays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
black friday 2009 sales (Score: 2)
uga vii (Score: 1)
climate depot (Score: 1)
esther reed (Score: 1)
kramer knives (Score: 1)
intersex (Score: 1)
brady quinn cheap shot (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Google Trends USA - 21 Nov 09, Saturday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Saturdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
bone marrow donation (Score: 1)
uga vii (Score: 1)
climate depot (Score: 1)
esther reed (Score: 1)
belichick (Score: 1)
intersex (Score: 1)
brady quinn cheap shot (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Google Trends USA - 20 Nov 09, Friday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Fridays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
pat allanson (Score: 2)
what kind of jail are stock iphones in (Score: 1)
bone marrow donation (Score: 1)
uga vii (Score: 1)
climate depot (Score: 1)
malcolm washington (Score: 1)
belichick (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Google Trends USA - 19 Nov 09, Thursday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Thursdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)
pat allanson (Score: 2)
tony alamo (Score: 1)
what kind of jail are stock iphones in (Score: 1)
bone marrow donation (Score: 1)
uga vii (Score: 1)
harrison barnes (Score: 1)
malcolm washington (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
bocuse d or (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Google Trends USA - 18 Nov 09, Wednesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Wednesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
pat allanson (Score: 2)
happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance (Score: 1)
tony alamo (Score: 1)
what kind of jail are stock iphones in (Score: 1)
bone marrow donation (Score: 1)
bocuse d or (Score: 1)
barbara mandrell (Score: 1)
harrison barnes (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pink slips for congress (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Google Trends USA - 17 Nov 09, Tuesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Tuesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
pat allanson (Score: 2)
cma awards 2009 winners (Score: 2)
happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance (Score: 1)
tony alamo (Score: 1)
what kind of jail are stock iphones in (Score: 1)
bone marrow donation (Score: 1)
pink slips for congress (Score: 1)
darius rucker (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
jahvid best (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Google Trends USA - 16 Nov 09, Monday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Mondays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
pat allanson (Score: 2)
cma awards 2009 winners (Score: 2)
carrie prejean sextape video (Score: 1)
happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance (Score: 1)
tony alamo (Score: 1)
what kind of jail are stock iphones in (Score: 1)
bone marrow donation (Score: 1)
lorenzo von matterhorn (Score: 1)
shay biggest loser (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
jahvid best (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
inverted nipples (Score: 2)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Google Trends USA - 15 Nov 09, Sunday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Sundays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
pat allanson (Score: 2)
cma awards 2009 winners (Score: 2)
sammy sosa pictures (Score: 1)
carrie prejean sextape video (Score: 1)
happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance (Score: 1)
tony alamo (Score: 1)
what kind of jail are stock iphones in (Score: 1)
bone marrow donation (Score: 1)
ralph peters new york post (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
jahvid best (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
inverted nipples (Score: 2)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Google Trends USA - 14 Nov 09, Saturday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Saturdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
cma awards 2009 winners (Score: 2)
marlee matlin (Score: 1)
sammy sosa pictures (Score: 1)
carrie prejean sextape video (Score: 1)
happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance (Score: 1)
tony alamo (Score: 1)
what kind of jail are stock iphones in (Score: 1)
jessica tandy (Score: 1)
ralph peters new york post (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
jahvid best (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
mary travers (Score: 2)
inverted nipples (Score: 2)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Google Trends USA - 13 Nov 09, Friday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Fridays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
cma awards 2009 winners (Score: 2)
gretchen rossi vibrator pictures (Score: 2)
marlee matlin (Score: 1)
sammy sosa pictures (Score: 1)
carrie prejean sextape video (Score: 1)
happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance (Score: 1)
tony alamo (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
jahvid best (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
mary travers (Score: 2)
inverted nipples (Score: 2)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Google Trends USA - 12 Nov 09, Thursday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Thursdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
cma awards 2009 winners (Score: 2)
gretchen rossi vibrator pictures (Score: 2)
jason rodriguez (Score: 1)
marlee matlin (Score: 1)
sammy sosa pictures (Score: 1)
carrie prejean sextape video (Score: 1)
happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
barbara mandrell (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
jahvid best (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
mary travers (Score: 2)
inverted nipples (Score: 2)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)
regina lasko (Score: 2)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Google Trends USA - 11 Nov 09, Wednesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Wednesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)
gretchen rossi vibrator pictures (Score: 2)
jason rodriguez (Score: 1)
marlee matlin (Score: 1)
sammy sosa pictures (Score: 1)
carrie prejean sextape video (Score: 1)
barbara mandrell (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
jahvid best (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
kanye west vma (Score: 2)
mary travers (Score: 2)
inverted nipples (Score: 2)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)
pink toed tarantula (Score: 2)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Google Trends USA - 10 Nov 09, Tuesday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Tuesdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)
gretchen rossi vibrator pictures (Score: 2)
brandon patch (Score: 1)
jason rodriguez (Score: 1)
marlee matlin (Score: 1)
sammy sosa pictures (Score: 1)
carrie prejean sextape video (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
richard castle (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
jahvid best (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
what did serena williams say (Score: 2)
kanye west vma (Score: 2)
mary travers (Score: 2)
inverted nipples (Score: 2)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Google Trends USA - 9 Nov 09, Monday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Mondays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)
mit splash (Score: 2)
gretchen rossi vibrator pictures (Score: 2)
cloward and piven strategy (Score: 1)
brandon patch (Score: 1)
jason rodriguez (Score: 1)
marlee matlin (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
richard castle (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
jahvid best (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
what did serena williams say (Score: 2)
kanye west vma (Score: 2)
mary travers (Score: 2)
inverted nipples (Score: 2)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)
corpus delicti (Score: 2)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Google Trends USA - 8 Nov 09, Sunday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Sundays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
joseph cao (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)
mit splash (Score: 2)
gretchen rossi vibrator pictures (Score: 2)
most world series championships (Score: 1)
cloward and piven strategy (Score: 1)
brandon patch (Score: 1)
jason rodriguez (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
jahvid best (Score: 2)
richard castle (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
jahvid best (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
annie le (Score: 3)
what did serena williams say (Score: 2)
kanye west vma (Score: 2)
mary travers (Score: 2)
inverted nipples (Score: 2)
jessica lange (Score: 2)
pee wee herman (Score: 2)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Google Trends USA - 7 Nov 09, Saturday

The following records the most popular search terms as captured by Google Trends USA.

Most popular phrases for the past 4 Saturdays

No meaningful data.

Most popular phrases for the past 7 days

malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
gretchen real housewives (Score: 2)
mit splash (Score: 2)
meb keflezighi (Score: 1)
most world series championships (Score: 1)
cloward and piven strategy (Score: 1)
brandon patch (Score: 1)
jason rodriguez (Score: 1)
jahvid best (Score: 1)
my dog skip (Score: 1)

For the past 30 days

george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
army wives season 4 (Score: 2)
droid does (Score: 2)
bob griese juan pablo montoya (Score: 2)
rocko rapper (Score: 2)
ghost adventures live (Score: 2)
malik nadal hasan (Score: 2)
richard castle (Score: 2)
india vs australia live cricket streaming (Score: 2)
tags boutique (Score: 2)

For the past 60 days

wanda sykes wife (Score: 3)
pgad (Score: 3)
george steinbrenner (Score: 3)
annie le (Score: 3)
joe wilson (Score: 2)
what did serena williams say (Score: 2)
kanye west vma (Score: 2)
mary travers (Score: 2)
inverted nipples (Score: 2)
jessica lange (Score: 2)